Wednesday, October 7, 2009

sooo its been a while: My thoughts on Sweden

Hej everyone!

So sorry I kind of forgot that I had a blog, but now im back!

Here are some of the things that i've noticed about Sweden:

1. In almost every home window you will see a lamp and a plant and or one or the other...but ALWAYS a lamp and or a plant.

2. They like to flavor most things with curry, chilli, or black licorice

3. They all love to brag about how good Swedish candy is

4. Most Swedes are very modest about themselves

5. They tend to be stand-offish until you get to know them, but once you do they are good friends!

6. They also have fat and stupid people just like all countries, so dont let them fool you

7. Swedish has many simularities to English - although they tend to talk a little backwards at times.

8. Swedes often learn British English - which can be quite fun when talking to them!

9. When talking to one another they tend to talk somewhat fast and not as loud as Americans. (Sometimes i wonder how they hear eachother)

10. They have a fun, but some what dry sense of humor

11. They like to have fun, drink, and be merry

12. They can consume large amounts of alcohol with out it even fazing them

13. Not everyone has blonde hair and blue eyes

14. They can still think its hot when its 60F outside

15. They make the best pastries

16. They love thier tea and coffee

17. They are much further advanced than Americans with equality

18. They are also much much further advanced with being green

19. They are constantly talking about the weather

20. They love to worship the sun

21. In retail and grocery stores you can often see them handeling merchandise with gloves.

22. They have funnest colors for houses...Red, Yellow, & Blue...

23. Something from Volvo, Ericsson, Ikea and H&M you will find in every Swedish household

24. The words slim, thin and narrow best describe the fit of swedish apparel

25. They like fizzy water

26. Thier wiener dogs are really really hairy

27. As a part of Swedish etiquette you should always remove your shoes when entering someones house. (I always forget this)

28. They LOVE nature

29. They are more worldy than most Americans could ever be

30. They have the most and the best interior design stores i've ever seen

ahhhh ok! I think 30 was a good start to my list, i hope you enjoyed them! However, there are so many more. I am constantly inspired by the Swedish view of life!


  1. Thoughts on the subject:

    2. Don't use Erik as an example! (Btw he's half Norwegian)

    5. What?!

    8. It's an awesome dialect!

    9. We don't like loud people.

    10. Again, don't use Erik (or Niclas) as a reference.

    Everything else was quite true.... =)


  2. LOVES IT!!!! But one thing is CERTAIN- OUR CANDY IS THE BEST in this world, no denying it!=)

  3. I hope u didnt mind me putting ur stuff on my blog, I just love when other people talk about us Swedes=) keep on blogging girl!!! And yes I could write in english too BUT its perfect for u to learn swedish...=) haha but more english soon!;) Im mos def coming next week btw=)

  4. That was wonderful. Now we need the complete list..LOL. Makes me want to fly over there. I miss it. OMG, yes the best candy and pasteries ever. I didn't gain 20lbs in 2 months for no reason, well that could of been from the mass amounts of alcohol I drank too. Keep it up..
    Love it and Love You :)Katrina

  5. OMG!!! An alien has taken my daughter!! My daughter doesn't cook & bake, neat & clean freak yes - but cooking NO!!! Or maybe Erik is brainwashing her ha ha!! Or is it that maybe Ashley needs a J O B :-) Love you - Mom
